Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Purpose of Music Videos

The purpose of this essay is to look at the emergence of music videos and how they affect bands and artists in terms of promotion, and how the media outlets which allow us to watch music videos have become more accessible and vast. I will also look at why they have become so popular.

Before music videos came about in 1975 with the song 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen, there were several ways people used to listen to their favourite artists. This came from inventions such as the jukebox and television shows such as Top Of The Pops and Ready! Steady! Go!. After this became successful, bands started appearing in movies such as The Beatles in A Hard Days Night.

The introduction of music videos in 1975 quickly became a great way for artists to get themselves recognised on a wider scale. People quickly fell in love with music videos because it meant that they could now see their favourite artists, instead of just hearing them. The bands and artists also embraced the arrival of music videos because they could use this as a way to promote themselves. The Rolling Stones have their iconic symbol in their music videos to promote them further. Giving a song a music video also helps to promote the song because each time they see their favourite bands/artists they also hear the song. Not only the artists get promoted because of videos, the directors can also gain recognition if they direct a new and unique music video. Mark Romanek is an example of a producer who has benefited from music videos, as he became widely recognised for producing the music video to the song 'Scream' by Michael and Janet Jackson. This is because the song which came out in 1995, was, at the time the most expensive music video ever produced and used enhanced visual effects.

A producer will market different bands and artists in different ways. This is because certain acts might be more popular than others and have a different image and intention, One Direction's music videos are highly anticipated because they have a huge number of followers, so producers will take time to make sure the video lives up to the hype. As they're a mainstream group producers are more inclined to add more elements to their music videos such as dancers, product placement, special effects, and costumes and props. The producers would then look to try and promote them through as many media outlets as possible, with the main two being through TV and the Internet. They would aim to get their music video on to as many different music channels as possible, MTV Hits, VH1, Channel 4 music, Viva and so on. They would also try and get it recognised on the Internet as well so it is likely you would find their music on sites such as You Tube, Vevo and Spotify. On the other hand, if you're a smaller artist or band, you may not get marketed the same way as they do not have the financial backing better known acts do as these ones are more established. You're less likely to see the same elements as mainstream music videos, and producers would be more inclined to concentrate on the passion for music that the smaller artists have, than anything else.

Music videos allow artists to extend their income. Extending artists can come in many forms, whether that be getting their music onto the radio consistently or giving one their songs an accompanying music video. Whatever they do, the artist/band will ultimately receive royalty payments. Depending on the popularity of the song will obviously affect how much the artist will receive in royalties. The more mainstream and popular artists, Beyonce, Justin Bieber are usually the artists to receive more in terms of royalties because they are more likely to top the charts. Smaller names will struggle to receive royalties because they are considered more of a risk because they are more unheard of, so TV channels and radio stations are going to be less inclined to play their music because of the risk. This is why it is probably a better idea for new talent to get themselves recognised by doing something unique and using free websites to try and promote what they can do.

How well an artist or band does revolves around the various media outlets. Media outlets are media platforms on which fans and the general public can access media texts, so if an artists music is in several of these areas there is higher chance for it to get recognised and become successful. Media outlets handle television, the Internet and DVDs. Some specific examples include You Tube, Spotify, Vevo, MTV Hits, and Channel 4 music. Having all these outlets does have its advantages and disadvantages; the advantages are that technology is always growing and expanding, so this gives bands and artists more chances to get noticed. It gives fans more variety and options to find their favourite music, and they can also watch it on many devices at many locations. It also benefits advertisers because it gives them the chance to promote their products during the ad breaks of all these various channels. However, there are disadvantages; one being there is too much competition. This therefore makes it massively difficult for fresh new talent to be spotted, and because its so busy and has so many outlets its difficult to find talent which deserves recognition because there are so many unsatisfactory obstacles standing in there way. Also, piracy is a problem, more commonly amongst unknown artists because bigger names may steal there ideas if they come across there music, as can the general public, its very easy to steal music off the internet.

Synergy is another avenue for promotion within the music industry. This is because it helps to promote artists and bands further, even outside of music. Synergy is when the owners of a product allow other companies to use their trademark/product through licensing deals. An example of synergistic marketing is Manchester United selling the rights of their badge to be used on other products, therefore promoting their own name further. In terms of music, an example of synergistic marketing is One Direction being used on items such as schoolbags, cups, t-shirts and many others. This ultimately helps to promote the image of the group and boost there own profits.

I personally think music videos are so popular because fans get to see as well as hear there favourite artists. This makes them feel like they get to know their favourite artists that little bit more every time they see them. I also think they're popular because they are always growing in terms of the quality of the music videos and the aspects they have in them.

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