Thursday 24 January 2013

Researching materials for your script

Background Material:

Published Scripts:

I found and gathered information on already published scripts through secondary research, and in this case it was looking at websites such as the BBC Writers Room, Wikipedia and IMDb.

ITV drama 'The Children' (David Evans, 2008) is a three part drama that was broadcasted in 2008. It follows the storyline of a families young daughter being murdered. It shows her siblings and parents perception of her in flashbacks before it shows the culprit to be her fathers ex-wife.

My Murder

BBC drama 'My Murder' (Levi David Addai, 2012) is a TV movie, that was aired in 2012. The programme opens in silence with only ambient sounds and the noise of silent breathing present, before it shows Shakilus Townsend laying bleeding on the ground. Like The Children, it then travels back in time to show us the events which will eventually culminate in Shakilus' death. It turns out the girl he was in love with already had another boyfriend Danny McLean, who was a violent gang member, and when he finds out what's been going on he orders his girlfriend Samantha Joseph to trick Shakilus into crossing paths with him and his gang, and it ends with the teenagers brutal death.

Factual Information:

I gathered my factual information through secondary sources such as the television and newspapers. As my screenplay is ultimately about violence at home it can relate to a lot of factual information. New stories which can relate to my own storyline are that of Baby P. He was young toddler who was continuously the victim of physical abuse from his parents.
A poll by the NSPCC and YouGov shows that less than one in five (17 per cent) would report concerns as soon as they arose.


My drama is very relatable to the public as it is a realistic storyline and anyone could be involved in any sort of scrap with their family. Its all to do with family life and growing up, and there are bound to be differences in opinion. I could get peoples opinions from this by devising a questionnaire asking whether they think having high pressure jobs implicate on attitudes towards family, and whether they've ever had fights and falling outs with their families.


I researched secondary information for the NSPCC through the internet and looking on their website. As of the issue I've raised from my drama, it promotes certain charities like the NSPCC's cause to try and stop abuse involving children. On their websites it says "A poll by the NSPCC and YouGov shows that less than one in five (17 per cent) would report concerns as soon as they arose". This can lead us to speculate about the people who do not report their abuse, and how many more victims there are because of this.

Existing Material:

I took inspiration for my own screenplay through watching programmes such as The Children which I have said about previously in this blog. I liked:

  •  The way it was set out as a drama
  •  The Format
  •  The overall concept


I found information on published scripts at:
I found my Factual information at:

I found my speculation issues at:

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