Wednesday 2 January 2013

Screenplay Essay

There are many reasons why you might want to produce a script proposal, this could be that you have an excellent idea for a one off movie, or perhaps you have the basis of a script which could be formed into a series. These usually happen with fictional entertainment programmes like dramas and comedies, and you can usually find this genre of programmes on channels such as ITV and the BBC.

When I finish my own script proposal I intend to present my ideas through both a written report to show my understanding of the requirements in more detail, and through an oral presentation to show others verbally what my general idea and overview for a script is going to be.

The title I have chosen for my drama is The Family. I decided to call it this central narrative is about one family and the struggles they face because of disagreements within the group. It is also short and directly tells the viewers what the drama is going to revolve around.

For my script I intend the genre of it to be a drama. It is going to be based around the death of a teenage male within a 'close' family, and viewers will know from the off that it is someone in his own family which commits the murder. Throughout the programme we learn more about each character and how their relationship with the victim changes the watchers perspective of 'whodunnit'. The 'whodunnit' element is the unique selling point of my drama as it enables me as the writer to throw in twists to make the programme more interesting. The target audience for my script proposal is going to middle and working class citizens, both male and female between the ages of 25-50. I have chosen this target audience because people who are in those age brackets are more likely to be interested in dramas. The 'story' of my script begins with the murder, however we do not get a clear view of the killer so it leaves us asking questions about how it could be. After these opening scenes it goes back in time to show you (as I said above) the victims relationship with everyone in his family.

The product is going to be set over about 3 episodes, over 3 weeks so it in a sense is a mini series as its storyline is too long to be considered a single.

The intention of my product is to raise awareness of violence at home. I want to promote the fact its not just adults that receive domestic abuse, but also children and teenagers. I would display this at the end of the programme, with an advice line just incase any of the viewers have themselves been affected or someone they know by the storyline.

My product isn't high concept as it isn't in the same format of your regular drama. It is going to be more of a realist drama as I want to be able to relate to normal day-to-day life.

I will try to communicate with my target audience through the language my characters use and what the characters every day life is like. I will use typical English, neither posh and upper class or street slang, it will be how common everyday people speak. I have chosen to use this kind of language so the viewers can connect easier with the drama. The characters in my screenplay will also live in a suburban area on the outskirts of London and go to school and work like a typical family would. This would also help my audience get into the drama as they would have a similar lifestyle.

The characters in my screenplay will be a mother and father Lucy and David Sharp who are both in their mid 40's, their role in the narrative is similar as they both want to keep their family as close as possible but lifestyle of one of their twin sons makes this near impossible. The twins will be 18 and the role of the first son, Michael Sharp is to be a rebel, he does not want to told how to do things by his family, he wants make his own choices, leaving them very irritated and this includes the other twin Harry. His role is to try and change the way of his brother, but his controlling nature leads to the Michael distancing himself even more from his family. Their are two close friends of the family, Tom Ashcroft, and Liam Brown from the fathers work, they are aged 35 and 40. Their role is to support the parents, when they are asked for suggestions on how to manipulate the sons attitude. However even with their help the son still wants to be independent. The controlling nature of the family and friends, mixed with the Michael's own rebellious nature culminates in an angry encounter with the son and one of the other characters leading to the accidental death of the twin, but who does it? 

Screenplay Synopsis

At the beginning of the screenplay it opens up with a scene of the murder of Michael. You see him falling backwards as if hit or accidentally pushed whilst in his room. He lands, smashing his head against the corner of his desktop, killing him instantly. During this course of events you do not see who is responsible and the culprit quickly flees the scene. After this the drama travels backwards in time and shows you Michael's relationship with his family and the family's close friends. Its clear to see he goes against their wishes and in the middle of the drama you see tempers rising because his parents David and Lucy and their friends Liam and Tom are continuously giving their opinions on how they think he should go about things, including what university he should go to and other new things. This constant harassment gets to much and reacts angrily by completely dismissing their suggestions before storming out, and even after all that even his brother Harry tries to persuade him to change forcing Michael to move out and stay with his friends for a couple of days. This leads into the final scenes, which show Michael returning to the house and collecting things from his room. It shows versions of the different characters killing him after another angry argument, showing us them all lashing out at the twin, which keeps us wondering which could it be? Its only until the final scene that we see his brother, running from the house and driving off with no intention of returning. This then flashes back to what actually happened, which shows the brothers arguing before Harry grabs his brother in anger, however, he accidentally knocks Michael off balance as he trips over the leg of a chair, sending him over and against the desktop. In fear he will get the blame, Harry leaves, leaving only a note in the kitchen downstairs which simply reads "I'm sorry".

1 comment:

  1. Sean,

    You have come up with a good concept which is fit for purpose. I would however, like you to include a little more detail about the family unit and what else Michael gets up to - it's a little thin. Also, do not write 'at the start', 'in the middle' etc., instead, you should write it as prose - as if you are reading a book.
